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Learn as much as you can 

Traveling to all the workshops with yearbook will be something I miss dearly. I was able to learn from  and meet people who were passionate about the same things I was. They understand my drive, they understood my frustration, and we could bond over journalism. I learned the most from traveling to these workshops..

JEA D.C. 2019

My most recent workshop was JEA where I traveled to D.C.. I had never been to a JEA workshop and I was so excited. I love to travel and see the world, but this was different. Not only was I able to travel, I was able to learn from amazing teachers. I took notes in every class and I look at those notes almost every time I do something involving photography. I learned this about making a portfolio, creative photography techniques, and was reminded about the importance of the basics with photography. I was given the tools to be more creative with my work, I am so thankful for this experience. 

This is a video I created of all the moments I shared with my fellow journalist at JEA.


I also completed in the JEA Portfolio competition and received an Excellent Award.


Jostens Elite Workout 2018

I traveled to Chicago over the summer of 2018 with our editorial board to start the next year's Yearbook. I got to spend 3 days learning from professional photographer, Mike McLean. He took us on photo shoot and took me so many things I would take back and teach to the staff. The moment I will never forget is when we were walking the streets of Chicago. A fellow student recognized a celebrity on the street. We stopped and asked him if we could take a few pictures. He said yes, and the photos are still to this day some of my favorites. I learned to seize the moment and jump. Don't fear rejection, fear the idea of “what if ''.



 I will forever and always be a MIPA journalist. From the very first MIPA conference to my very last one I will attend later this year, I will forever be thankful for this platform. It was here at these conferences I learned that you have to hear it all, take it all in, pay attention to everything these teachers have to tell you. Because their advice is what pushed me to be better. I could see other yearbooks and learn from them. Learn from people in the field of photography and ask as many questions as I wanted to. 

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